Google+ makes Facebook nervous

First impression of the social network was consistently positive

With the idea of ​​Google+ the search engine giant landed a coup. Analysts believe that the Google service, which is clearly presented as a Facebook competitor, has a realistic chance of establishing itself as a social network. The few users of the platform so far rave about the ease of use of Google+. On Facebook, too, they pricked up their ears and are now observing exactly what is in store for the top dogs. Facebook boss Mark Zuckerberg had to react and has now announced "something fantastic" that will be presented next week.

Google PlusGoogle+: Facebook has to react now (Photo: Google)


Friends in circles

Google+ leaves very good first impressions in the pressetext test. The new social network is currently still in the development phase and therefore not immediately accessible to everyone. However, there is a trick that allows users who have already entered Google+ to invite other people. To do this, they have to send a status update via email.

The first step with Google+ is to sort friends, acquaintances and family into so-called circles. If you already have a Google account and are using Gmail or an Android smartphone, the existing contacts are already listed. Drag and drop the profiles into the desired circles. At the beginning, Google provides four circles (friend, family, acquaintances and interesting people), whereby a contact can end up in several circles. Further circles can be defined.

A status update is written just like you know it from Facebook. However, you cannot simply click on "Share", you have to indicate which circles you want to make the information accessible. It is just as easy to make links, photos or videos accessible to others. Google+ currently looks like a tidy version of Facebook. What is particularly noticeable is the lack of apps and advertising. However, this emphasizes communication among users.

How is Facebook reacting?

Zuckerberg's announcement yesterday suggests that Facebook sees serious competition in Google+. Apart from the ominous announcement, the Facebook boss hardly let himself be looked at. There is currently speculation in the media that it will primarily be about improved support for mobile devices. The merger of and or a separate iPad app is under discussion.

TechCrunch brings the "Spartan" project into play, but doubts it will be announced next week. This is a platform for apps based on HTML5. In any case, there is still a few days left for speculation. But Facebook definitely has to react. The shooting star in the social network area has pushed other networks into the insignificance on his way up. No one is immune from a similar fate.


(ck) 01.07.2011/XNUMX/XNUMX

