Blur, shade, and more screenshots

Screenshot Captor scLabels The Screenshot Captor tool is free for private individuals and, under certain conditions, also for small businesses. The tool specializes in the essential functions for a screenshot program and is characterized by its ease of use and a clear user interface. It can blur or highlight selected areas.

The Screenshots Captor comes in a portable version and can be used without installation under Windows XP, Vista and 7. There is a small video to get you started with the program:

Screenshot Captor Settings 1


  • Optimized for lots of screenshots with minimal intervention, highly adjustable to make it work the way you want it to
  • Excellent support from multiple monitors.
  • Full image corrector
  • Perfect capture of Windows 7 transparency effects
  • The most powerful scrolling capture tool
  • Easy automatic or on-demand uploading of screenshots to a variety of image hosting services (imageshack, flickr, ftp, etc.).
  • Great Ragged Edge Splicing Effects.
  • Smart automatic file assignment, easy renaming and format conversion, automatic versioning of image files.
  • The ability to embed text comments in files, as well as watermarks and subtitles.
  • Many recording modes: multimon (multiple monitors), desktop, active window, region, Windows object, scrolling capture. Each mode has a customizable hotkey for quick access.
  • Cool special effects including automatic active window expansion, ragged edge splicing, pixelation, and more.
  • Unmatched support for 3rd party user customizable tool, including file browsers and image editors
  • Sidebar thumbnail file browser offers full shell operations, drag and drop support, and right-click actions to perform on screenshots.
  • Deluxe thumbnail maker and watermarker.
  • Optional quick PostCapture popup dialog.
  • Quick screenshot emailer menu.


Splice and Ragged Edge Effects:

Screenshot Captor Splice1


Version License Author System Purchase price filesize
3.04.01 License ScreenshotCaptor Windows 7 / Vista / XP - 7,9 MB
8,8 MB

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