Set up FRITZ! Box WLAN guest access

FRITZ! Box WLAN guest access
Fast and secure access to the WiFi network for visitors

With the WLAN guest access of the Fritz! Box, the annoying problem of setting up access to the network in the secured WLAN network for a visitor who has his laptop or smartphone with him is solved.
The Fritz! Box WLAN guest access is designed in such a way that access can be set up quickly and easily and not even the WLAN password has to be disclosed.
In addition, a time limit for access is possible, which means that this access does not have to be stopped again.

The time limit for guest access can be restricted by selecting the "Only deactivate when the last guest has logged off", this way it can be ensured, if necessary, that access is not stalled in the middle of a session.
Of course, this all happens based on the safety precautions in place FRITZ!Box* for the WLAN network.

What should you consider when setting up one? FRITZ! Box Guest access?

In order to use guest access, you must FRITZ!Box* the connection type "Internet access via DSL"be set up.
The option is in the settings under Internet> Access data and there under the tab "Settings".


Create a

Fritz! Box-WLAN guest access.

First of all, of course, the checkmark at "Guest access active " only then will the other options be accessible.
If a predefined period of time is required, this can now be activated and selected from a predefined selection of 15 minutes to 21 hours.
Here you can also find the previously mentioned option to only end guest access when the last guest has logged off.
An SSID, i.e. the name of the wireless guest wireless network, can now be created. The SSID "FRITZ! Box guest access" is predefined.
A few more details can now be given on the subject of securing the network. An unencrypted network or WPA encryption, which currently offers the greatest possible security, can be used here.
Now enter an 8-digit WLAN network key and apply the settings.

fritzbox_guest access_small


Sounds like too much input, doesn't it?

No not true. The input is actually limited to the input of the WLAN network key, everything else is predefined and can be used for quick access without any problems.

After applying the settings, you get a message that the WLAN guest access is active for the predefined period of time.


You can now select the appropriate one from the available WLAN networks and connect to it as a home network, for example.

fritzbox_guest access_wlan


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© Copyright Michael Hille

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