Office 2010: New paste function

office2010_119The paste function in Microsoft Office products is probably the most widely used next to copying. Some suggestions from users were accepted and incorporated into the development of Office 2010. There were mainly problems when inserting content into Excel tables, since not only the content shown, but also formulas and other values ​​have to be copied. The changes are demonstrated here once in Excel 2010.

In order to try out the new paste function, something must first be copied.



Now stand one three different options to choose to insert something.

- The Insert button


- The right mouse button


- Ctrl + V


The new symbols, which the insert function arranges in three groups, are immediately noticeable. In the Excel predecessors, these were hidden in numerous submenus. Furthermore, it is noticeable that when you move over the individual functions with the Cursor*, a preview is displayed in real time, such as when selecting the font size.



These are among the three groups of the insert function Insert, Insert values and More insert options. These are explained again in more detail here. (from top left to bottom right)


  1. Inserts the values ​​and all formatting in the new position.5_Group_insert
  2. Inserts only the values ​​of the source data without formatting.
  3. Accepts the values ​​and number formats from the source data.
  4. Adopts the values ​​and formatting of the source data.
  5. Retains formatting, but frames are removed.
  6. Also takes over the column width of the source data.
  7. Transposes the cells to be copied.

Insert values

  1. Accepts only the values.6_group_values
  2. Accepts the values ​​and number formats.
  3. Accepts the values ​​and all formatting from the source.

More insert options

  1. Only takes on the formatting of the source area.7_Group_Other
  2. Inserts links to the source data as a formula.
  3. Inserts an image, i.e. a screenshot of the source area.
  4. Inserts an image of the source data linked via a formula.

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