Word 2010: Enable hyphenation

Icon_Word10_33x32If you write a lot with Word, you can Hyphenation as a very helpful Feature watch. If you format the text as justified, you should definitely think about using the feature, as it can close unsightly gaps in the lines. Conversely, in order not to get too many hyphens, the hyphenation can be targeted optimize.

If you have written a text, you can use the tab Page layout in the field of page set up the button Hyphenation .


The default is Hyphenation deactivated. To them too activate, you first click on Hyphenation option.




In order for the hyphenation to be activated for every text in the future, the hook in Automatic Hyphenation be set. In addition, the Hyphenation zone in centimeters, and the number of Consecutive Hyphens determine in a text.




Go to the ending is still with the button OK confirmed. You really just want to certain To sail Bearbeiten, you click on the button Manual . Then everyone will Separation proposal went through individually, and can be take or simply to ignore.



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