Excel 2010: Pivot tables more dynamic with the data slicer

Icon_Excel10_33x32A new Feature under Excel 2010, when working with Pivot tablesthe Data cut. With this so-called drill-down function, data from pivot tables can be dynamically filtered and segmented. The pivot table is then rebuilt with one click. If you want to open tables from older versions, you should make sure that the file format -xls from Version 2003 must be saved beforehand as xlsx format. The files open in compatibility mode without any problems, but the Data Section button is not active.

To use the new feature once, first open any table. Here is an excerpt from one Sales report from the Sample templates from Excel 2010.


A PivotTable view is then created from this. About the rider Insert and the button PivotTables.


If you have marked the entire table as a data source, and via the PivotTable field list can Products, customers and quarter 1 processed, the following view emerges.


But now to the main purpose of the article. Is the Pivot table marked, can be found via the tab Insert the button Data cut in the ribbon.

4_data slice

After selecting the data section, you have the option Fields add to others quickly statement to get. Here were chosen for the fields Products and Customer .



5_data slice

Became a customer of the Slicer list selected, the product list adapts immediately to the respective customer and the pivot table is rebuilt.


One would like different customers Select is the one over depressed Control key possible. Conversely, the selection about the little one Filter icon at the top right of the data pane window reset.

The windows can be removed using a right-click and the command Remove "Field" or about the DELETE key.



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© Copyright Michael Hille

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