PowerPoint 2010: Insert Excel table

Icon_PowerPoint10_33x32For inserting a easy or also one external Excel -Tabel there are several options in PowerPoint 2010. In order to be able to work optimally from the beginning, however, it is advisable to pay attention to a few things. Two examples are intended to show how a table can be integrated into a presentation with just a few clicks.

1. Insert a simple table

On the first view is inserting a table over the Table button the fastest option. However, after inserting a table using this method, a lot of reworking is required.


besser it is done in the following way:

Via the key combination Ctrl + M a new slide is inserted first. A PowerPoint placeholder is then located in the middle of this.

1_place holder

By clicking on that Tables icon will be first after Quantity of Split and To sail asked, and then the table of above left-wing im Layout grid about the all Width evenly inserted.


Annoying Rework you can look like that save.



Align table values ​​optimally within a cell


If a table has been populated with values, there is still the option of controlling the arrangement of the values. Powerpoint arranges the numbers and texts in a table By default left-justified and above at. For a better look you can use the Values first vertical center. After marking the content, this can be done over Table tool > layout > Orientation realize.


So that one is under ones and tens under tens, one should generally use numbers right justified arrange. So that they are still in the Middle of column can stand over Custom Margins the right inner edge can be adjusted.

4_Inside edge

It is best to change the margin in small steps and use the button Preview view the changes immediately. Always has to previously can all Table marked .



2. Insert an external Excel table


Do you have in Excel already one Table built, this can of course also be integrated into the presentation. About the rider Insert select the button Object




Via the link From File draw up one determines the Path the existing Excel file.


The hook in shortcut can be set if the inserted Table Automatically updated shall be. As soon as you change something in Excel, this changes at the same time in the presentation. One would like to Change at the table directly and Power point make this by Double possible on the table.


Would you like to Gridlines in the Excel spreadsheet renounce, these must be in Excel 2010 in the rider View > Gridlines be hidden.


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© Copyright Michael Hille

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