The 2006 version of the popular TuneUp Utilities®, valued by many, was released

and offer not only visual changes but also a number of new features compared to the previous version.
The main categories, Adjust & Inform, Tidy Up & Repair, Optimize & Improve,
Manage & control as well as rescue & destroy data are still available.
New categories have not been added, as they also cover this with their sub-categories
all matters.
In this review we therefore limit ourselves to the innovations of the program.
For more information, we also refer to the review
TuneUp Utilities 2004 and TuneUp Utilities 2004 application report
System requirements:
As expected, the system requirements are low and are met by almost every PC in use today.
From Microsoft Windows 98 Intel Pentium / AMD K5 from 133 MHz, graphics mode from 800x600 with 256 colors, 25 MB free hard disk space, CD-ROM or DVD drive
Microsoft Windows XP, Intel Pentium II or AMD Athlon processor, 40 MB free hard disk space, graphics mode 1024x786 with 16,7 million colors, Internet access, CD-ROM or DVD-ROM drive.
Characteristics :
- Adjusts the look of Windows to your own needs
- Frees the system from unnecessary ballast
- Increases the computer's performance
- Accelerates the internet connection
- Defragments the registry
- Creates more free memory
- Provides tips on hardware and software
- Provides detailed system information
- Recovers accidentally deleted files
- Destroys confidential information
Overview of the most important innovations:
This does not make any claim to completeness, to reflect all changes would go beyond the scope here.
What is striking is the visually renewed user interface, it looks very pleasing.
According to the manufacturer, up to 400% more errors are eliminated.
Configuration and optimization of the Mozilla Firefox browser.
Changing icons, the window style and the start and logon screen in Windows XP.
Furthermore, many functions known from the previous versions have been revised and improved.
TuneUp System Control:
Allows you to easily adapt the operating system to your own needs.
For example, annoying visual effects can be switched off, the system can be secured or the Internet Explorer can be expanded to include useful functions.
This module has received extensive innovations.
Mozilla Firefox can be configured and optimized here.
Error messages can be displayed as a website, tickers and flashing texts deactivated, the bookmarks moved to the right-hand side, address entries completed automatically, pop-up windows and Javascripts configured, the opening of submenus influenced and the parallel processing (pipelining), which is supposed to shorten the loading time of websites, changed will.
Under the Email and Chat option, MSN Messenger can be told whether and when it should start.
The complete deinstallation of the messenger is also possible here.
In our opinion, the very useful function of the Windows XP Security Center to issue warnings if antivirus software is not available / out of date or if there is no firewall can be deactivated here.
In the Windows XP operating system, the Log Off button can be removed from the Start menu.
Startup manager:
Specifies which programs are to be started automatically when the system is started and when the user logs on.
Entries are classified as trusted, unknown, dangerous, or spyware / adware and
can be edited using the task area on the left.
Here the program starts can be planned, entries deactivated or deleted or their start settings edited.
Additional information on each selected entry is displayed in a details area.
Critical applications can be reported, currently 1200 trustworthy, potentially unwanted and dangerous applications are identified.
This list is updated regularly.
Registry Cleaner:
Detects invalid entries and errors in the registry and corrects them.
The improved scanning technology detects up to 400% more errors.
Here, however, the control is not given out of hand, it is to be selected which errors are to be corrected.
What is new here is that problems that cannot be resolved can be ignored in the future.
You can undo this decision via File> Ignored Problems.
Information about type libraries of ActiveX and COM objects is checked and if it is missing
or incorrect data listed as a problem in the ActiveX and COM category.
The resolved problems are always listed in error statistics and the date of the last cleaning is displayed.
Links in the start menu that point to known programs are now also checked for the validity of their parameters.
For example, when "explorer.exe C: \ test folder" is called, the program Explorer.exe (Windows Explorer) is first searched for
and then for the folder "C: \ test folder".
TuneUp Disk Cleaner:
In addition to the Internet Explorer cache, the size of the Mozilla Firefox cache is also determined.
System optimizer / 1 click maintenance:
If problems are found using 1-click maintenance, an additional link "Show details" is now displayed.
Problems can now be excluded from cleaning in the detailed information.
TuneUp Styler 2:
With TuneUp Styler, the start screen can be exchanged for another start screen with just a few clicks.
It is also possible to integrate a self-created start screen.
Supported formats are:
- Stardock Bootskin (home screen)
- Stardock LogonXP (login screen)
- Stardock IconPackager (icon pack)

TuneUp System Optimizer:
The system advisor now detects further weaknesses in the software and hardware configuration of the computer and shows
a list of tips and hints to help you adapt, optimize and improve security.
The Internet optimization now recognizes if the Internet browser Mozilla Firefox is available and automatically checks it
Configuration. If you click on the "Mozilla Firefox" link after the check, you will get a list of the proposed changes to speed up surfing with this browser.
TuneUp Process Manager:
In the process details, more information about the running processes is now available.
Among other things, there is information here about the modules (DLL files) used by a process and at what time the process was started.
A detail bar provides more detailed information about the selected process, including the product name, manufacturer, file name and the folder in which the executable file of the process is located.
TuneUp Registry Editor:
The option "Smart jumping to keys" has been added here.
If you want to use the menu item "Jump to key" to jump to a key that does not exist in your registry,
TuneUp Registry Editor now suggests the key that comes closest to the specified key.
And finally ...
The TuneUp Utilities® 2006 are and will remain a "must have" tool that should at least be tried.
All changes made can be undone via the RescueCenter if necessary and
offers such a high level of security.
This tool, although not free, is offered at a fair price, the pricing of which is in the
Has remained unchanged compared to the previous version.
Highly recommended.
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