Windows 7 Home Premium - The manual

Windows 7 Home Premium - The manual

Insider knowledge - practical and competent
The use of Windows 600 Home Premium is clearly illustrated on 7 pages in this book.
The authors have not only described Windows 7 in detail, but also show how it can be used faster, easier and safer ...

Windows 7 Home Premium - The manual

Authors: Hossner, Jürgen / Kloss-Pierro, Roland / Patzig, Silke
600 pages (hardcover)
Microsoft Press 11/2009 
ISBN-10: 3-86645-132-6 
ISBN-13: 978-3-86645-132-2 
Order from Amazon

600 large-format pages with concentrated information, this is how the publisher describes the book "Windows 7 Home Premium - Das Handbuch" and, in fact, that the book is a bit larger than the usual formats.
On the shelf it protrudes over other books by approx. 1 cm and protrudes approx. 3 cm.
But this is exactly where a decisive advantage lies: this format offers enough space inside to present text and images in a clear manner.
All screenshots are colored and consistently available in abundance on all topics.
In order to have the content available on the go, the book was included as an e-book on a CD-ROM.
In addition to the table of contents and the index, a "practice index" is also offered in which, in alphabetical order, references to "step by step instructions" are made for specific work processes.
The authors have succeeded in writing a clear and pleasantly readable book in which a lot of practical knowledge about Windows 7 Home Premium is conveyed.

Windows 7 Home Premium - The manual contains 17 main categories

  1. Windows 7 Home Premium at a glance
  2. Install Windows 7 Home Premium
  3. Documents and files under control - Windows Explorer
  4. The Windows 7 interface
  5. Windows 7 programs
  6. Printing and faxing
  7. Windows 7 Home Premium - The complete entertainment package
  8. Multimedia - edit photos and videos
  9. Internet Explorer
  10. Network Connections
  11. Maintain and optimize Windows 7
  12. The security features of Windows 7
  13. Microsoft online services
  14. Play on Windows 7
  15. windows touch
  16. Optimal disk management
  17. troubleshooting

Table of Contents
Microsoft-Press offers the table of contents as a pdf.
So you can easily get an overview of the multitude of topics.
To table of contents Windows 7 Home Premium - The manual

More book presentations on Windows 7

Windows 7 for advanced users

The big book on Windows 7

Windows 7 - the innovations at a glance

This article is from
© Copyright Michael Hille

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