Navigate in Windows Explorer and open it in the command line

Vista - Navigate in Windows Explorer and
open in the command line

Vista system

If you find working with Windows Explorer convenient and find it difficult to navigate in the command line, you can use this tip in Windows Explorer to open the folder directly via the context menu.


    1. To do this on Home click and then regedit enter into the search field.
    2. Then afterwards to the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ Software \ Classes \ Folder \ Shell.

    3. In this folder via Edit / New / Key create a new key with the name Open cmd. You can also give it a different name; it should only meaningfully describe the function of the command in the context menu.


  1. In the key a subkey with the name Command invest.
  2. The value for the standard key cmd.exe / k pushd% L .
Vista registry


Vista context menu

Now there is the command " in the context menu of Windows ExplorerOpen cmd"available as seen in the picture above.



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© Copyright Michael Hille

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