Save Windows 7 crash dump file

Always save Windows 7 crash dump file

Crash dump files are required to use an analysis tool to display the reasons for a system error or crash. The file, usually named user.dmp cannot be read via an editor. Furthermore, it cannot be renamed, but it can be deleted without any consequences. It is only used for subsequent evaluation. Windows 7 only creates this file under the condition that there is at least 25GB of free hard disk space. If you want to deactivate this feature in order to always save this file, follow these steps:



The Regedit command is entered and called up in the start menu.



Now navigate to in the registry editor


HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ CrashControl




There is now a new one in the CrashControl DWORD value with the name Always Keep Memory Dump created.
This is over Edit> New> DWORD Value (32-bit) is possible.


With a double click on the newly created DWORD value you can now enter the value of 0 on 1.


Always save Windows 7 crash dump file

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© Copyright Michael Hille

Using Registry Editor or its tips incorrectly can cause serious system problems that may require you to reinstall your operating system. Tampering with the registry files and using the tips is at your own risk.