Windows 7 God Fashion

Windows 7 God Fashion
Control panel as a structured list view
windows 7 god mode

God mode?
Sounds good, after all, some games offer this option to survive even the toughest situations. Unfortunately the name promises God Mode on Windows 7 more than it has to offer.
This is a list view of the control panel, with all of its elements.
One or the other will surely find options that they have not yet seen.

It is a matter of taste whether such a list view makes sense, the advantages are certainly that you do not get lost in any major categories.
Because a special advantage is the search field, this works like a filter in the God mode of the control panel.
For example, if you are looking for printer settings, enter "printer" in the search field and only entries that have to do with printer settings are displayed.

Set up God Mode

A special folder must be created to set up God Mode.
Right click on the desktop and select New> folder
Give this folder any name followed by

An example:win7godmode_icon
God Mode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C} 
Only the name God Mode will later be displayed in the address line and can be changed at your own discretion.
The folder symbol changes to the system control symbol

That's it, a double-click on the symbol now starts the system control in the list view with its structured display.



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