Activate Windows-8 God Mode

godmode_iconWindows 8 GodMode? An invulnerable Windows?
Not really, what is so full-bodied called God Mode is just a small, but extremely useful, intervention in the system that activates a list view of the control panel with all its elements. One or the other will surely find options that they have not yet seen.

How do I activate God Mode in Windows 8?

For this we create a special folder e.g. B on the desktop.

Right-click an empty space on the desktop and choose New> folder in the context menu.

Name this newly created folder in
God Mode.{ED7BA470-8E54-465E-825C-99712043E01C}

Press Enter or click anywhere else to finish renaming.



The normal folder symbol now changes to a symbol specified by the system.

Double click on the new one GodMode symbol and the list view of all control panel settings opens. The settings are also divided into categories here, which can be minimized or expanded to maintain clarity.

A special advantage is the search field, which works like a filter in the God mode of the control panel.
For example, if you are looking for printer settings, enter "printer" in the search field and only entries that have to do with printer settings are displayed.



system_iconThe name of the folder can be freely selected and does not have to be GodMode ring.
The designation in front of the point is decisive for the name.
For example, it can also be used in System be named. As usual, special characters are not permitted.



See also:

Windows 7 God Mode, Control Panel as a structured list view

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