Create MP3 with Windows-8 media player

Create MP3 with Windows-8 media playerFor mobile use or for collection on the PC, MP3s have become indispensable, so how can I quickly create MP3s from a CD?
Windows 8 Media Player has all the requirements for this and can easily convert the tracks on a CD into Mp3, the quality can also be adjusted.

Start Windows Media Player.
Put a CD in the drive.
Now click on To organize and there on Options.
Windows 8 Media Player options



In the dialog that opens select the tab "Copy music".
Copy music
If necessary, put the location firmly.
Under "Settings for copying from the medium"choose MP3.
Now select the desired quality of the MP3 file under "Audio quality".
Confirm the entries with OK.
Now start the process by clicking on "CD copy"in the command bar of the media player.

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