Windows 8: Play Xbox 360 games on your PC

Windows 8: Play Xbox 360 games on your PC
With the introduction of Windows 8, Microsoft apparently plans to introduce support for Xbox 360 games.
According to rumors, it should be possible to play Xbox 360 games on a Windows 8 PC via a paid subscription.
It is doubtful whether cross-platform gaming in the network will be possible, i.e. a game PC against console, since Microsoft is apparently planning its own network that excludes this option.

The ability to play Xbox 360 games on a Windows 8 PC should offer Microsoft the option to keep the range of software alive when the next generation of the console is launched in 2012, according to insiders.

According to the website, Microsoft's Vice President for Global Marketing Mike Delman is said to have made the following statement:

Live has been successful on the Windows Phone. Live will be built into the PC.
It will be the service where you get your entertainment.
We were talking about it - you will not just see consoles and handhelds at this show next year,
this show's going to morph into other devices.

One can be curious.


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