Windows 8 - CD-DVD-BD drives disappeared.


Despite a successful installation, Windows 8
the installed CD-DVD-BD drives are not displayed?

Windows 8
With the installation of the Windows 8 Consumer Preview the problems of some users with no longer available CD / DVD drives arose for the first time.
Although the installation went perfectly, the optical drives are no longer available after the restart and are no longer displayed in the device manager.
A system installed in parallel, however, shows this correctly, what is going on?

How do I make the CD-DVD-BD drives visible again in Windows 8?

Systems that use the ATAPI interface seem to be affected.
For this it is necessary to enter a Windows-8 registry key that has not been created and to restart the system. These actions must with administrator rights be executed.


Start the registry editor
Press the Windows key + R  in the run field that opens regedit and press Enter.
The registry editor starts, in which we have to navigate to the following key.

HKEY_LOCAL_Machine \ System \ CurrentControlSet \ Services \ atapi \ Controller0

In the right pane of the registry editor, the selected key must now contain the DWORD value

EnumDevice1 registered and on 1 be set.
The system should now be restarted and the drives should be available again.

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© Copyright Michael Hille

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