Create a password reset disk

For the forgetful among us, Microsoft has built in a helpful function that
Password reset disk. She helps in the worst case, despite something that has been forgotten
Password to get into the system. This disk only needs to be created once,
even if the password has been changed in the meantime.

This floppy disk is of course a major security risk and it should be intact
certainly not under the desk pad, as any unauthorized person can also use it
Gets access to the computer.

How do I create the password reset disk?

Control Panel >> User Accounts

Select the administrator account here.

Click the "Prevent forgetting of passwords" link.

The rest is guided by an assistant.

If it should be used, the empty input field in the welcome screen
confirm and after you have been nagged I can give me the option here
Select "Use Password Reset Disk".

See also the tip for Windows Vista:
Save Vista - Admin password on data carrier


This tip is from
© Copyright Michael Hille

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