Outlook 2010: Set up RSS feeds subscribe and read

Outlook 2010: Set up RSS feeds subscribe and read

RSS feeds are a great thing, with just a few clicks you have a compact overview of news or current articles from preferred websites or services.
Many websites offer the option to subscribe to RSS feeds. Once set up, they enable Microsoft Outlook 2010 to automatically display a summary or the full article whenever new content is published, such as a current news item.

In order to integrate the RSS feed of a certain website, we first call it up.
In this example I take www.win-tipps-tweaks.de and call it up in Firefox.
On websites that offer an RSS feed, the small orange RSS symbol is displayed in the address line.
The symbol is located next to the start button in Internet Explorer.

A click with the left mouse button on the symbol opens a list with all the RSS feeds provided on this website.

Address bar RSS list

An RSS feed can now be selected here and a view of this feed opens in the browser window. I choose the forum posts feed here.
Depending on the browser, the program with which you would like to subscribe to this feed is now offered.
However, we set up the feed manually in Outlook 2010.

To do this, go to the so-called "Backstage view"from Outlook 2010 via the menu"File"and select there"Account Settings> Account Settings Add Accounts ... "

Account Settings Outlook 2010

The dialog for the account settings opens, there select the Rss-Feeds tab and click on "New"

Account settings RSS feeds

In the "New RSS Feed" dialog, enter the address of the feed. The easiest way to avoid typing errors is to click the RSS symbol in the browser, select the desired feed there and copy the URL from the address bar.
Mark the URL with CTRL + C copy, switch to the dialog in Outlook 2010 and there with CTRL + V paste the address you just copied.
Then on "Add"click.

New RSS feed

Another window now opens in which the RSS feed is displayed with its name and various default settings. These default settings are generally fine, so the automatic download of attachments or the download of the message as an html attachment is usefully deactivated by default.


The feed is updated regularly according to the provider's specifications, in this example it is hourly. Clicking on OK applies these settings and the RSS feed is saved in the Account Settings> RSS Feeds displayed.

RSS feed options

We close the account settings and switch to Outlook RSS feeds

Now the RSS feed is displayed there with its name and the number of unread messages in brackets after it.



If there is an interesting title, just click on it and, depending on the provider's preferences, an introductory text or the entire article will be displayed.
For example, to follow the discussion in our forum feed, all you need to do is click on Show article and the topic will be called up in the browser.

read comments


Transparency: This article may contain affiliate links. These lead directly to the provider. If a purchase is made through this, we receive a commission. There are no additional costs for you! These links help us to refinance the operation of win-tipps-tweaks.de.

This tip comes from www.win-tipps-tweaks.de
© Copyright Michael Hille

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