Graphics and photo

Applications and useful tools for editing graphics and photos.
With the free FresView tool, images, photos, audio and video files can be managed and displayed, and the support for numerous file formats should be emphasized.
The Screenshot Captor tool is free for private individuals and, under certain conditions, also for small businesses. The tool specializes in the essential functions for a screenshot program and is characterized by its ease of use and a clear user interface. It can blur or highlight selected areas.
The Microsoft Camera Codec Package allows you to view a wide variety of device-specific file formats.
For example, the RAW format is supported for displaying the raw data of many important camera manufacturers in Explorer.
PicPick is free for home users. A license is required for traders. The setting options are very extensive, from image processing, tools, keyboard shortcuts, automatic saving and FTP.
Automatically updated desktop background with dynamic Windows 7 themes "Movies from Paramount Pictures" and "Bing Maps Aerial Photography Theme: United States".
The freeware program Photoscap is very extensive for home users. It also offers many free filter functions. A new feature is the stamp function.
All plugins for the image viewer IrfanView
IrfanView is more than a fast and comprehensive image viewer. In the current version, Irfan Viewer can load JPG files even faster than before.
GIMP is a free, very powerful photo and image editing program.