Show desktop icon for Windows 7

The file Show desktop scf to the article “Windows 7 Show desktop create icon in the system tray next to the start button”.


Show desktop scf

Windows 7 "Show Desktop Icon" in the
Create the taskbar next to the start button


In Windows 7, the Show desktop button has been moved to the right-hand side of the taskbar next to the clock.
The reason is that every time the mouse is on this field, all windows and applications become transparent. That could quickly become annoying when working or surfing.
Show the taskbar icon desktop next to the start button In our article "Windows 7 "Show desktop symbol" in the system tray next to the start button ” let's show you how to easily create your own "Show desktop icon"and move it again next to the start button.

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Show desktop scf
Version License Author System Language filesize



Win 7


240 Bytes


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