Windows 8 desktop for XP, Vista and Win 7

The free tools Rainmeter and Omnimo Skin enable Windows XP, Vista and Windows 7 to use the look and feel of Windows 8. After downloading the zip files, unpack both zip files and first install the Rainmeter-2.1 and then run the SETUP (new users) .rmskin file and follow the instructions.

Windows 8 look for XP, Vista and Windows 7


The Omnimo Skin enables applications (calculator and Internet Explorer) and Windows functions such as B. Shutdown, standby and restart.

 Windows function directly with a click

Furthermore, important information can be displayed immediately such as email inbox, Twitter messages, RSS feeds and much more. All tiles can be positioned variably.

Rainmeter and Omnio
Version License Author System Purchase price filesize
Freeware Rainmeter
Windows 7 / Vista / XP - 1,8 MB
23,4 MB

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