Comodo Backup professionelle Datensicherung für zu Hause

Die Softwareschmiede Comodo bietet einige Software-Produkte zum Thema Sicherheit an. Eins ist das kostenlose Comodo Backup in der vierten Version und macht einen guten Eindruck. Heutzutage gehört solch ein Backup-Tool zu jedem Rechner dazu.

Es gibt fast nichts schlimmeres als seine ganzen Daten wie Fotos, Formulare und Briefe zu verlieren. Deshalb ist es auch wichtig einen anderen Speicherort auszuwählen als die Festplatte des Rechners. Der Speicherort ist bei “Comodo Backup” freiwählbar, ob Netzwerk-Festplatte, DVD, CD, ISO, ZIP-Datei oder Online auf einem FTP-Server. Comondo stellt sogar kostenlos 5 GByte Online-Speicher zur Verfügung.

Comodo Backup professionelle Datensicherung für zu Hause

Hier geht es zur User Guide (Handbuch)

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Backup anywhere

Network drive, external drive, FTP, DVD/CD, ISO, zip, online storage – you name it, Comodo Backup can copy to it

Smart Profiles

Comodo Backup will find and categorize all your music, videos, photos and mail so you can immediately start copying what's important to you

Incremental and differentials

Comodo Backup gives you the flexibility to run any combination of full, incremental, differential and sychronized backup types.

Free Online Storage Space

Each user gets 5 GB of highly secure, online storage which you can access from anywhere and sync between computers

Online Drive

Play music, watch movies and edit documents directly from storage as you would a local disk. You don't have to download the file first and any changes you make will be synchronized with your local copy.

Command line & scripting

Advanced users can create script files for backup, restore, mount and synchronize operations.


Our powerful synchronization feature keeps your data set consistent across your computers, laptops and online storage

Volume shadow copy compatibility

To ensure data consistency we integrated Volume Shadow Copy technology, which allows files in use to be copied.

Versatile scheduling options

You control the exact date and time that your backup should run (even if it's the middle of the night)

Windows integration

Comodo BackUp seamlessly integrates with Windows Explorer so that you can just select the folders or files you want to back up, right click on them and quick start the backup wizard.

Encryption & Compression

Choose from a wide range of compression and encryption algorithms to keep your data secure while reducing it's size to a minimum

Mountable Backup

Mount your backup as a virtual disk so you can explore and change it's content as per your needs

Instant Feedback

Comments? Suggestions? Comodo Backup has a built-in feedback utility so you can submit your thoughts without leaving the interface.

Chat to a live support technician at any time

Each Backup user gets GeekBuddy free for 60 days – even our free customers. It's like having your own computer expert by your side, 24/7

Streamlined & Task Orientated

Our software interface doesn't just look good - it's the result of thousands of hours of usability testing to make sure you accomplish what you want, fast!

Effortless setup and management

Start copying files minutes after installation. Once underway, the software will silently copy files in the background without interruption. If you delayed creating a backup in the past because you thought it would be complicated then Comodo Backup is the software for you.


Für die Freeware Version “Comodo Backup” fordert Comodo eine kostenlose Registrierung im Zeitraum von 30 Tagen.


> Intel Pentium II 233 Mhz or better
> 128 MB RAM
> 23 MB free hard drive space

Als Alternative gibt es die Software: Areca Backup Datensicherung leicht gemacht

Comodo Backup
Version Lizenz Autor System Kaufpreis Dateigröße
4 Freeware comodo Windows 7/Vista/XP SP2/
Server 2008/2003
- 33,8 MB
32 bit und 64 bit

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